Check Canvas Course Settings

August 30, 2018

Instructors should adjust the default settings in every Canvas account to ensure the site functions as expected, reduce student issues, and ensure proper grade calculation. Go to Settings > Course Details tab and scroll down the page. Course accounts are typically semester based and do not require start/end dates. Compare the default course grading scheme to your syllabus: you may need to create and attach a new scheme. If you don’t want students to access the course after the semester is over, check the ‘Restrict students from viewing course after end date’ box. Click ‘more options’ – many settings here should be flipped such that announcements show on the home page and students can attach files to discussions, but students cannot create discussion topics, edit/delete posts, or make their own groups. You can also choose to ‘hide totals’ (total and subtotal) grade columns from student view. Click the ‘Update Course Details’ button to save your changes.

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Contact Details:

Name: Karla Embleton
Phone: 294-9198
Department: in administration