Enrolling students in Canvas courses

January 3, 2018

There are several steps each Instructor of Record must do to ensure that students are added to the appropriate Canvas account and gain access at the appropriate time. Teaching assistants and support staff cannot perform these steps for the Instructor. See full details in the MORE link. Steps: (1) Go to Canvas Help > Global Course Administration > ISU Admin (click AUTHORIZE) > Prepare to Teach; (2) If necessary, switch term to SPRING and click CHANGE TERM; (3) For each class list you are the instructor of record of (column one), specify the Canvas account it should be loaded into (column three) — if you make any changes, such as grouping sections together into a single account, click CONFIRM; (4) Click ENROLL STUDENTS — students will then see the course card tile but cannot enter the class; (5) Click PUBLISH to give students to the class. Student names should appear in the People section of the course within an hour.

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Contact Details:

Name: Karla Embleton
Phone: 515-294-9198
Department: in administration