Groups in Canvas Courses

September 6, 2018

There are several ways to use groups in Canvas. The most common uses are group discussions and assignments. Groups can be set up so enrollment is random, by the instructor, or by student self-enrollment. A student can be enrolled in more than one group in a course, e.g. a large discussion group and a small project group. All the groups for a specific purpose are held in a container called a ‘Group Set,’ or ‘Set.’ To create a new set, click People > +Group Set, name the new set and complete the form to indicate how enrollment should occur. Once the set is created, you can reference it when setting up assignments that are to be submitted once per group, or to create a discussion prompt for the group. If a student is enrolled in a group, a new ‘Groups’ link appears in the red Canvas side menu (not in the course menu). It lists their groups for all courses, so be sure to include your course name in each group name, e.g. Red Team (HDFS 110).

Contact Details:

Name: Karla Embleton
Phone: 294-9198
Department: in administration