Notes grade column

November 9, 2018

Each Canvas gradebook consists of four types of columns: user identification data, assignment columns, calculated columns (subtotals and total), and instructor notes. The Notes column is hidden by default and is the only column that currently allows the instructor to enter text (non-numeric entries). The Notes column is displayed by clicking the setting gear in the top right corner of the gradebook, then clicking ‘Show Notes Column.’ To add a comment, click on a student’s cell in the Notes column, type in the text field (maximum of 255 characters), then click Save. If desired, widen the column by hovering in the header cell until the left/right arrow icon appears, then drag left/right. Notes are included in a CSV export of the gradebook. Students never see the Notes entries.

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Contact Details:

Name: Karla Embleton
Phone: 294-9198
Department: in administration