Tanner Hoveland

Major: Kinesiology and Health
Minor/option/emphasis: Exercise Science
Company/Organization: Anytime Fitness
Destination: Ames, IA
Timeframe: Spring
Advisor/Coordinator Email: dpower@iastate.edu


Prospect outreach, membership sales, assisting in personal training programming and sessions, help develop marketing campaigns, cleaning and maintenance of facility and machines.


Seeing clients make progress towards their goals. Not only that, but seeing them realize it for themselves.

What advice would you give?

Two things. Firstly: Step out of your comfort zone as much as possible. Your personal and professional growth is stagnant without venturing where you haven't been before. Secondly: Negativity and positivity are infectious. Try to make the environment you're in upbeat and positive whenever possible. Clients will want to return, and it may rub off on others around you as well.

Career Connections