2022 Pease Family Scholar

Our 2022 Pease Family Scholar is Dr. James F. Sallis, PhD.  Dr. Sallis is a Distinguished Professor Emeritus in the Herbert Wertheim School of Public Health at University of California San Diego and Professorial Fellow at Australian Catholic University, Melbourne.  He was trained in psychology and behavioral epidemiology.  His health improvement programs have been studied and used in health care settings, schools, universities, and companies.  His current research interests are promoting physical activity and understanding policy and environmental influences on physical activity, nutrition, and obesity.  He has authored over 800 scientific publications that have been cited more than 200,000 times (GoogleScholar).  He is currently focusing on getting research used to create healthier cities.  During the pandemic he has been actively advocating for greater attention to, and application of, physical activity’s benefits.  Dr. Sallis is Past-President of Society of Behavioral Medicine, member of the US National Academy of Medicine, and has won numerous national and international awards. 

Please join us on December 1, 2022 at 7:00 p.m. in the Great Hall of the Memorial Union where Dr. Sallis will present Physical Activity Is an Underused Resource for COVID-19 Pandemic

Head over to our archive to view previous years’ Pease Family Scholars and lecture series.


The Pease Family Scholar endowment was established by Dean A. and Sally C. Pease in 1991. Dean Pease was a long-time faculty member in the department and chaired what was then the Department of Health and Human Performance (now Kinesiology) from 1987 until 1990. Prior to his untimely death in 1994, Dean and Sally established an endowment in memory of Dean’s parents, Harvey and Bomell Pease. This endowment supports three programs that benefit students and faculty at Iowa State University in perpetuity.

The greatest proportion of the Pease gift was used to create a “scholar-in-residence fund” for the department. The annual earnings from this fund allows the department to bring a leading scholar in kinesiology to campus each year for extensive interactions with faculty, graduate students, and undergraduate students. The Pease Family Scholar Lecture is the featured event during the scholar’s visit and is one of the major highlights in the Department of Kinesiology each academic year.