Neurophysiology Lab

Location:  Room 187B Forker

The Neurophysiology Laboratory is part of the Human Performance Laboratories housed within the Department of Kinesiology. The major pieces of equipment include:

  • 32 Channel ANTNeuro TMS compatible EEG System.
  • 64-Channel Biosemi Active Two EEG System.
  • 2 Magnetic 2002 Stimulator Unit with figure 8 coil.
  • Delsys Trigno wireless EMG with 4 Sensors and 6 Miniature Head Sensors.
  • Ascension trakSTAR with 4 2mm sensors and 6 8mm sensors for bilateral finger and hand tracking.
  • Two 16-channel BNC USB Measurement Computing A/D Board with Event Marker for actively synching kinematic and EEG data streams.
  • The Motion Monitor for Research Base Station.
    • Plug-in for biofeedback module for the output of audio and visual cues in realtime.
    • Plug-in for real-time data streaming from Vicon passive optical camera system.
    • Plug-in for force plate.


Multiple studies are completed in the lab with focus on understanding the underlying neurophysiology of multiple behaviors and differences in neurophysiology among various populations, including Parkinson’s disease. These include studies examining the neurophysiology associated with listening and moving to music.