Internship Requirements

- You must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 with no outstanding incompletes to be considered for an internship. You must meet all course prerequisites to qualify for internship credit (see the Iowa State Bulletin for appropriate prerequisites).
- The university accepts no liability for health, accident, or tort claims. You must secure your own personal professional liability insurance regardless of whether you are covered as an employee or volunteer of the agency.
- Assignments are for a minimum of 10 weeks up to 16 weeks in length and may be completed during the fall, spring, or summer semester.
- You will be assigned to agencies which provide established services and agency supervisors who are full-time professionals with no less than six months experience with the agency.
- Although you’re assigned the process of seeking placement, the university internship coordinator makes all concluding arrangements for placement. No final agreements may be made by you alone.
- The dates of placement are to be defined on the Agency Acceptance Form. Holidays to be honored during the placement will be determined according to agency schedules and are not necessarily in conjunction with the university schedule.
- You are expected to assume the responsibilities of a regular staff member and must report promptly at assigned times and according to prearranged schedules. Absence from assignments should not occur without justifiable reason and should be cleared in advance with the agency supervisor.
- You will not be allowed to take coursework while participating in an internship. If there are extenuating circumstances, exceptions can be discussed with the internship coordinator.
- You can be withdrawn from an internship by mutual agreement of the agency and the university if the student’s performance is unacceptable.
- You must participate in a minimum of 40 hours per credit providing services to the agency.
- You must submit records, reports, and summaries on the scheduled due dates.
- You must satisfactorily complete assigned agency responsibilities as evaluated by the agency supervisor and faculty supervisor. Unexcused absences and/or tardiness from assigned duties are grounds for failure in the course.
- Evaluation of your work follows the format and procedures outlined in the records and reports section.