Human Sciences entrepreneurs pitch ideas at the Iowa State Fair Saturday

Student News Entrepreneurship News Alumni News

More than 150 Iowa State University entrepreneurs pitched their ideas at the ISU exhibit during this month’s Iowa State Fair. The exhibit “The Great Iowa State Pitch Off STANDING InnOVATION” in the Varied Industries building at the Iowa State Fair will hold final rounds August 16 18

A number of the College of Health and Human Sciences’ entrepreneurs presented their business ideas in The Great Iowa State Pitch Off: STANDING InnOVATION! exhibit at the Iowa State Fair this week. The eight finalists representing the college will compete again Saturday, Aug. 17. The winners and approximate times they will pitch:

10:15 a.m.
Kendra Petersen, apparel, merchandising, and design alumna, Wild Bloom Boutique

1 p.m.
Dixie Lauesen, event management alumna, Helping Hands

1:15 p.m.
Rachel Gai, apparel, merchandising, and design senior, Rachel Reloaded

1:30 p.m.
Belange Mutunda, apparel, merchandising, and design senior, Behind the Curtains

1:45 p.m.
Miriah Pettus, Home Fitness

2:00 p.m.
Daryle Sivels, event management alumnus, One-time Crush

2:30 p.m.
Maggie Davis, pre-diet and exercise junior, Extension and Outreach Network

The seven winning pitches will be announced at 1 p.m. on Sunday, Aug. 18, the last day of the fair, at the ISU exhibit. ISU President Wendy Wintersteen and Senior Vice President and Provost Jonathan Wickert will present awards to the winners. “Best in show” will receive a $5,000 award. Results will be posted at
