Branden Arends

Major: Kinesiology and Health
Minor/option/emphasis: KIN-Community and Public Health
Company/Organization: University of Massachusetts Lowell Outdoor Adventure Program
Destination: Lowell, MA
Timeframe: Fall
Advisor/Coordinator Email:


1. Assist in administrative duties including risk management, web updates, marketing, data entry, record keeping, participation reporting, quality control, inventory, organization, planning, program assessment, and other duties as assigned (CDC: Essential Service 2; CHES: Area of Responsibility 5). 45% | 288 hours total | 18 hrs./wk. avg. 2. Serve as the lead instructor for Outdoor Adventure and Kayak Center Programs including backpacking, rock climbing, kayaking, canoeing, surfing, and/or skiing (CDC: Essential Service 3; CHES: Area of Responsibility 3). 20% | 128 hours total | 8 hrs./wk. avg. 3. Assist with hiring, training, scheduling, supervision, and mentoring of student outdoor and bicycle program staff. 15% | 96 hours total | 6 hrs./wk. avg. 4. Plan , facilitate, and evaluate two “Outdoors as Medicine” program retreats, one in the Fall and one in the Spring, for improved student mental health through wilderness therapy utilizing campus partnerships (e.g. U-Mass Lowell Health Services, Counseling Services, Conduct Office, Wellness Services or others; CDC: Essential Service 2, 10; CHES: Area of Responsibility 1 and 2). 10% | 64 hours total | 3.75 hrs./wk. avg. 5. Revise and augment the current Outdoor Adventure program goals and curriculum to align with a student wellbeing framework (CDC: Essential Service 5; CHES: Area of Responsibility 2, 7). 5% | 32 hours total | 2 hrs./wk. avg. 6. Know U-Mass Lowell health and wellness services available to students and provide student staff and program participants with resource knowledge and recommendations when appropriate and within his scope of practice during the Fall 2019 and Spring 2020 semesters (CDC: Essential Service 7; CHES: Area of Responsibility 6). 5% | 32 hours total | 2 hrs./wk. avg.


Creating an Outdoors as Medicine program alongside campus partners to better the wellbeing of University of Massachusetts Lowell students, faculty, and staff through the practice of wellbeing habits in an outdoor setting. Wellbeing habits included community building, yoga, mindfulness activities, holistic wellness discussions, and exposure to the outdoors.

What advice would you give?

Go after what you want. Make it serve everyone involved and be determined. You can accomplish so much! Jumping into these experiences can be overwhelming at times. However, this eustress is crucial. It affords you the momentum necessary to make an impact for the betterment of your target population.

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