Academic Requirements for Internship
- General student information – name, local address, phone, schedule, and other pertinent information.
- Job analysis
- Name, general description and history of agency, and name(s) of immediate agency
- supervisor(s)
- Statement of duties and responsibilities including time schedule, activities, place of operation, and related information
- Description of the participants with whom the training will be done
- Facilities, equipment, and similar factors
- Personal goals and objectives for the assignment and how the student plans to achieve these goals
- Evaluation should focus on the specified responsibilities assigned to you as outlined in the agency acceptance Form.
- Evaluation is a continuous process throughout the experience.
- Evaluation is directed toward your growth and development as competent a professional practitioner.
- Evaluation involves growth in self-appraisal and self-analysis.
- Evaluation is based upon specific, objective, and cumulative data.
- Your final evaluation will be based on job performance, growth and improvement, and upon your potential as a professional practitioner.
- Mid-session
- At the end of the internship
- Job performance as evaluated by the agency supervisor.
- Job performance as evaluated by the faculty supervisor (site visits if possible).
- Quality and timeliness of required written reports submitted by you as evaluated by the faculty supervisor.
- Design of the learning experiences
- Selection of your assignments
- Continued instruction and exposure
- Evaluation of your work performance and to safeguard the quality of the agency’s program as well as your well-being while affiliated with the agency.
- Guard against you functioning in a manner that might impair the quality of services provided by the agency. It is also hoped that the agency supervisor allow you reasonable freedom of operation so an adequate training program can be completed.
- Discuss the internship program with all agency staff and help you gain acceptance as a member of that staff.
- Help you understand your job as it relates to the entire operation and develop professional attitudes in dress, manners, and job responsibilities.
- Define the role of the intern through:
- An initial conference with you to set short- and long-term goals and objectives and to prepare these in writing to be sent by you to the faculty supervisor.
- Periodic conferences with you to discuss issues that arise in the performance of duties assigned, techniques of leadership, and other factors that may influence effectiveness as a staff member.
- Evaluate your performance through the following process:
- Completion of written assessments during the initial, mid-session, and final phases of the internship experience. The assessment forms will be provided by the faculty supervisor at the beginning of the internship with a timeline for the submission of these assessments.
- A formal review of these assessments with you prior to submission to the faculty supervisor. This is an opportunity to discuss your progress and to review expectations, goals, and objectives within the internship.
- Represent the university in all official arrangements with the agency while the internship is in progress.
- Assist you in preparation for the internship through goal setting and the discussion of objectives that might be achieved during the internship.
- Supervise your training while at the cooperating agency. This supervision will include periodic site visits or telephone exchanges to confer with you and your agency supervisor regarding your progress.
- Evaluate internship reports submitted by you and the work assessments forwarded from the agency supervisor.
- Submit the final evaluation (grade) for you based on input from the agency supervisor regarding your performance and the written materials and reports submitted by you.
- Serve as a resource person for both the agency supervisor and the student.
- Conduct yourself in a professional manner which reflects favorably upon you and the agency.
- Notify the designated agency representative when unavoidable absences or tardiness is anticipated.
- Work within the scope of agency policies and procedures as well as the requirements of the kinesiology department.
- Be ethical in dealings with co-workers and clients and maintain loyalty to the agency and its programs.
- Develop and maintain periodic and on-going goals and objectives which fulfill agency and internship responsibilities.
- Assist in daily agency interactions and procedures, maintenance of records, and preparation of materials and/or reports for the agency.
- Attend meetings, conferences, and programs to enhance skills and professional development during the internship experience.
- Take the initiative to seek help and advice from appropriate agency personnel and faculty members.
- Notify the agency supervisor and/or faculty supervisor immediately if a situation warrants special attention.
- Display interest, resourcefulness, and commitment in approaching problems and finding solutions.
- Keep the designated agency and faculty supervisors informed through scheduled reports related to the internship.
- Fulfill all responsibilities as designated in the agency acceptance Form.