Exercise Metabolism Lab

Location:  Room 164Q Forker

  • This facility is a shared lab space among the faculty/staff to perform research and collect data in multiple aspects of exercise physiology, biomechanics, psychology, immunology, neurophysiology, and more.
  • This facility allows researchers to examine physiological responses to exercise in hot and cold environments with varying levels of humidity. One main goal has been to assess the role of hydration or other nutritional interventions on heat tolerance.
  • The main feature of this laboratory is the environmental testing chamber. The chamber is a 10×12 ft sealed room equipped to control both temperature and humidity during exercise. The chamber is able to regulate temperature within +1 degree up to about 110 degrees with relative humidity from 20% to 99%.
  • Students in several Kinesiology courses perform a full range of fitness assessment tests using the Exercise Metabolism Lab.  Students also learn how to perform graded exercise tests to screen for cardiovascular disease, and graduate students learn how to interpret data from metabolic data collection. Students also practice these skills through involvement in the lab’s research projects.


  • An Environmental Chamber
  • Two Phlebotomy beds
  • Moxus Metabolic Cart
  • Pain and Sensory Evaluation System
  • Changing/Data collecting side room for privacy
  • A storage room for research supplies and equipment
  • Exercise Equipment including but limited to treadmill and lode bikes

Body composition/anthropometric assessment and other equipment

  • Several skinfold calipers
  • Anthropometric tapes
  • Bioelectrical Impedance Assessment
  • Blood pressure cuffs
  • Area for phlebotomy processing with centrifuge for spinning blood
  • Area for acquisition of muscle biopsies