Exercise Physiology Teaching Laboratory
- Students in several Kinesiology courses perform a full range of fitness assessment tests using the Exercise Metabolism Lab. Students also learn how to perform graded exercise tests to screen for cardiovascular disease, and graduate students learn how to interpret data from metabolic data collection. Students also practice these skills through involvement in the lab’s research projects.
- 4 Woodward Exercise
Treadmills - Phlebotomy area
- 4 Metabolic Carts
- Several Lode Mark
Cycle Ergometers - Biodex for assessing
strength - A storage room for
research supplies and equipment
- BodPod
- InBody – for bioelectrical impedance assessment
- Several skinfold calipers
- Anthropometric tapes
- Blood pressure cuffs
- Area for phlebotomy processing with centrifuge for spinning blood
- Various other equipment for examining cardiovascular, respiratory, metabolic, and muscular response to exercise.