Internships and Experiences

- In the exercise science, community/public health, and physical activity and health promotion options, approximately 40 percent of students go out-of-state for special opportunities that relate to a region of the country or a large-city environment.
- Teacher preparation students who are student teaching stay closer to Ames to receive frequent and specialized observation and feedback.
- Athletic training students work with collegiate athletes, high school sports teams, and various special events such as Special Olympics. They’ll also work in professional sports, including NBA or WNBA teams, as well as hospitals and sports medicine clinics.
- Physical education licensure students work in elementary, junior high, and high schools teaching health and physical education.
- Exercise science students work in private health clubs and spas, corporate wellness programs, strength and conditioning/sports enhancement programs, and clinical settings such as cardiac rehabilitation programs.
- Community/public health students work in a variety of community and public health agencies (e.g. county health offices), for non-profit organizations such as the American Heart Association, Red Cross, or national organizations like the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
- Physical activity and health promotion students work in various health promotion settings (e.g. worksite wellness programming), or pursue opportunities in health coaching in community and clinical settings.
- Kinesiology faculty from within your curricular area will be assigned to assist you and supervise your work.
- Your papers and reports will be submitted to your supervisor throughout the internship.
- On-site visits and/or phone contacts occur during the fieldwork, and critiques, feedback and suggestions will be given.