Master of Science Requirements

Research Core

  • 13 credits for the thesis option, nine credits for non-thesis option:
    • STAT 587 (four credits)
    • KIN 501 (three credits)
    • KIN 699 (six credits) or KIN 599 for creative component (two credits)

Kinesiology Core

  • Nine credits in kinesiology specialization areas.
  • These courses will be planned with the faculty advisor to ensure they are appropriate for the student’s career and educational goals.


  • Three credits must be outside of the department.
  • Thesis option: Eight credits of electives
  • Non-thesis option: 15 credits of electives

Total Credits

  • 30 credits minimum for the thesis option
  • 33 credits minimum for a non-thesis option

Additional Requirements

  • Thesis: The thesis requires a research project culminating in a written document that includes a well-supported rationale, review of literature, results, and a discussion of results.
  • Creative component: The creative component requires a written document in which research is incorporated and applied to a professional setting.
  • Presentation: Both the thesis and creative component must be orally defended in a public presentation before the Program of Study Committee.

Course Descriptions

Check out our catalog of courses you will have to take to get your M.S.

Need More Information?

Jason Gillette

103F Forker Building
534 Wallace Road
Ames, IA 50011-4008
