Fitness-Wellness Teaching Laboratory
- An office
- Two examination rooms
- Teaching area outfitted with desks and audiovisual equipment sufficient for 15 students
- A hydrostatic weighing room
- Quinton 3500 graded exercise test system with treadmill
- Quinton 4500 graded exercise test system with treadmill
- Several Monark cycle ergometers
- (including several blood pressure cuffs, an AED, appropriately stocked crash cart)
- Hydrostatic weighing system with digital scale
- Several skinfold calipers
- Several Gulick anthropometric tapes
- Rosscraft Tommy anthropometer, etc.
- Biodex system (isokinetic assessment)
- Flat weight-lifting bench with weights
- 2 isometric handgrip dynamometers
- Several mats
- 2 sit-and-reach boxes
- Blood pressure cuffs
- Automated external defibrillator
- Appropriately stocked crash cart
- Area for phlebotomy with several centrifuges for spinning blood
- Area for acquisition of muscle biopsies
- This facility was used to screen subjects 65+ y.o. prior to their embarking on a longitudinal exercise training program. These subjects underwent graded exercise tests in this facility and completed the Senior Fitness Test in another area of the Department of Kinesiology (The Exercise Clinic).
- Law enforcement officers of the Iowa Department of Public Safety come to this facility to complete their annual department-mandated medical examination. A physician performs the medical examination and then a subgroup of officers undergoes graded exercise tests as part of an effort to reduce the incidence of cardiovascular disease in this group.
- Participants in The Exercise Clinic, an on-campus adult fitness program sponsored by the Kinesiology Department, complete their fitness assessments in this laboratory.
- Students in several Kinesiologycourses perform a full range of fitness assessment tests using the Fitness-Wellness Teaching Lab. Students also learn how to perform graded exercise tests to screen for cardiovascular disease, and graduate students learn how to interpret 12-lead electrocardiograms. Students also practice these skills through involvement in the lab’s research projects.